The stories of “Late Childhood” are linked together like links in a chain that is the personal biography of their hero – Yosef. These links are actually also central nodes in the formation of the Israeli nationalism of the immigrants to Israel. The authentic language for the members of the various ethnic groups contributes the special color of the setting and the spotlight that illuminates, for example, the drama unfolding around the boy Yosef, who is brought to Israel by stealth by his loving grandmother, as part of the illegal immigration from Iraq. It quickly becomes clear that this drama, which is described in Yossi Alfi’s sense of humor, is nothing more than a prologue to other dramas, no less amusing, with which Yosef Gebov must deal, in order to be able to re-grow the severed roots of his childhood. For his successful puberty, even if it is late.
What does Yosef have to deal with? With a draft order for the IDF when he was ten years old. With the death of his beloved daughter, Omi Rima, with the mystery of the exact date of his birth and in contrast to the first visible signs of his life in the public toilet in his neighborhood of Fatah Tikvait. The last link in the chain is the story of the mother’s death – a real and symbolic death especially for Yosef, who actually represents in this book all those who fought as bravely as him to define his identity, whatever its roots may be.
“Late Childhood” was Yossi Alfi’s first prose book, after publishing five poetry books and five children’s books. Alfie is also a theater person – director, playwright and storyteller.
The cover – Moti Mizrahi “The Fall of the Muses” graphic artist Gregory Zondelovich